On Friday 1st September, McKay Drilling were in invited to participate in Balga Senior High Schools NAIDOC Day Celebrations. The day began with over 800 students, teachers and guests coming together for a welcome ceremony. This years NAIDOC theme, FOR OUR ELDERS, recognises across every generation and in every culture, our Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in our communities and families. Balga Senior High School welcomed the community and provided a great first nation cultural experience.
Following the ceremony, the McKay Drilling team enjoyed spending time with students and providing them with an opportunity to learn more about what we do. We also shared how closely our industry works with Traditional Owners to ensure heritage sites are identified and protected.
Students were tasked with a ‘sample bag time trial’ where they were shown how to remove a mock sample bag from our makeshifted splitter, taught how to tie it and display the bag at the end of a run and back, the fasted time scored some McKay merchandise. Well done to all the students who gave it a go!!
After the activities we enjoyed a feast of kangaroo stew, damper and sausage sizzle. There were so many students from visiting Primary Schools to Year 12 who all came together for the day.
Thank you to Balga Senior High School for inviting us, we are now connected and we look forward to continuing to be a part of your school community.
#mckaydrilling #community #balgashs #buildingrelationships #futureopportunities