Congratulations Jeremy Griffiths - Supervisor Employee of the Year
Congratulations Murray Hollingworth - RC Driller Employee of the Year
Congratulations Carrington O'Carroll - Diamond Driller Employee of the Year
Congratulations Callum O'Meagher - Relief Driller Employee of the Year
Congratulations Jack Kelly - RC Offsider Employee of the Year
Congratulations Mathieu Boisvert - Diamond Offsider Employee of the Year
Congratulations Ethan Williamson - Apprentice Employee of the Year
Congratulations Ockie Fourie - Field Support Employee of the Year
Congratulations Sherie Kumhuaybong - Perth Support Employee of the Year
Congratulations Megan Colameo - Workshop Employee of the Year
Congratulations Karen Baker - Administration Support Employee of the Year
Congratulations Chloe Smith - HSEQ Employee of the Year
Well Done and Thank You for Setting the Standard.